April 6 in Shanghai
Day 3 of jet lag. We went to bed at 9 pm on April 3 after our flight from Seattle. Ben and I were up at 2:30 am the next day. We unpacked and ate energy bars and hung out until it was finally 7 am and we could go to the breakfast buffet. Paul got up around 5 am. We all took a 5 hour nap later that day (oops!).
Ben and I enjoy the breakfast buffet. Paul is willing to join us sometimes. It’s $6 per person, which isn’t bad, but it’s expensive for China, and that’s $18 a day for the three of us. When we start sleeping normal hours, we wont’ visit the buffet so often.
The coffee is stronger at the buffet this year, which is a welcome change from the watery coffee of last year. Otherwise everything is the same. We get green veggies, noodles, yogurt, and eggs fried in oil, and usually watermelon. It’s 7:15 am and Ben and I are going to the breakfast buffet. We’ve been up since about 3:40 a.m. and had oatmeal, but that was then.
The exchange teacher Gavin who is spending the year at Highline College is helping take care of us. His wife has contacted us and will take us to lunch today (yea!). Before that we need to get laundry soap and dish soap (daily life goes on).
We walked around Shanghai the last two days, and it was chilly (55 degrees) but it started raining last evening and now it’s 48 degrees and very chilly. I was hoping it would be warmer her. We will have to wear all our layers since we mostly dressed for the coming warm weather.
The internet is always spotty here, but it’s been terrible. I lost it while I was about to post a photo here. It takes 7 minutes to wait for 1 photo to post! So I am publishing this blog now. Will post photos later. I am off to the hotel front desk to ask for help with wifi.
Ok, one maid came to check the internet, couldn’t fix it, so another maid, a manager and a tech guy came. The manager did something with his phone and now, we’re back up! However, I don’t have wifi on my phone now, which was working yesterday. Welcome to China! Technology is so frustrating here.