Each day is different here for me. Some days I have to take the bus to campus and teach. That means preparing the lesson the day before and refreshing that morning before class. Then on other days we can go out and explore and enjoy Shanghai. It’s hard to change gears sometimes between when to work and when to relax. With my family here it is important that I spend time with them, while also finding time to do my ongoing work for Highline and for my SJTU lessons here.
Today we were going to go to the JinMao Tower 55th floor to look at the city and eat, but it was already booked. We booked this Saturday, and have to hope the weather will stay clear. Today we will go see a photo museum. Then I will return later to prepare tomorrow’s lesson on writing news letter items.
Last night we went to a Mexican restaurant. I like Chinese food but find I cannot eat it 2-3 times a day. We often eat at the student cafeteria which is typical Chinese food. It will soon be time to go to a noodle place again, which are Ben’s favorites.